App Idea Planner
Have a startup or app idea? This all-in-one business template guides you through concept, metric planning, research, & branding while also balancing tasking, budgeting, and marketing! This template is built on Notion, the most friendly yet powerful new tool you never knew you needed. With this digital product expert in your back pocket, you can launch your app idea like Google would.
Though there are many business templates to choose from here on Etsy, this one is designed by a product expert who's done it before specifically with your app idea in mind! It's designed with the fact that 90% of apps fail within their first year. According to CBInsights, the number one reason why is due to misreading market demand. But fear not because this template has you covered with specific methods and guides to ensure your success. This business template easily guides you through the most common mishaps and blindspots and keeps you from pouring money into an idea that wouldn't work. You don't have to be a part of that 90% statistic. Our comprehensive guide will help you achieve financial freedom while bringing your app idea to life!
With our guide, you'll learn:
How to identify your target market and create user personas that will guide your development process.
How to design and test an app idea to avoid becoming another startup statistic.
How to brand your idea to be visually appealing and user-friendly.
How to monetize and think through budgeting responsibly.
How to market your app and acquire users through social media, influencers, and other channels.
Don't let your app idea become another statistic. Take control of your financial future and make your app a success with our comprehensive guide. Order now and start achieving your goals today!
App Idea Template - Notion Template App Idea Manager